Frequently Asked Questions

  • AquaTerm
  • gnuplot
  • fink
  • Compile CVS version of AquaTerm
  • AqauTerm

    Q: AquaTerm is slow.

    A: Well, the bottleneck is really the adapters that send messages from the client to AquaTerm. Each message has an overhead of approximately 1ms. The speed can, in most cases, be increased by buffering the data before sending it.

    Q: When will a new version of AquaTerm/adapters be released?.

    A: Whenever I find the time to work on the project. If you are impatient, check out the code from CVS and contribute.


    Q: I have been trying to compile the gnuplot 3.7.1 with aquaTerm using your instructions.

    A: You need gnuplot 3.8 or later. Get the gnuplot 3.8h tarball from

    Q: AquaTerm with the gnuplot demos is absolutely phenomenal. Why don't you lobby to get the "aquaTerm.trm" stuff in the real distro of gnuplot? It doesn't break x11 support -- it just adds functionality.

    A: Right now, both AquaTerm and gnuplot development is in a state of rapid changes. The long-time goal is to have support for AquaTerm in the gnuplot distro. This of course requires the approval of the gnuplot maintainers and right now we rather focus on making AquaTerm a rock-solid app with support for as many languages/packages as possible. If you feel strongly about gnuplot support, tell them about AquaTerm and help us in pushing it into the distro. There has been some discussion on the gnuplot developer list that might be of interest.


    Q: I have been trying to compile PGPLOT libs with AquaTerm support.

    A: Don't despair! Pierre Vaudrey put together an AquaTerm/PGPLOT HowTo detailing all the steps needed.

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    Installing via Fink

    Q: I'm having trouble getting Fink to install gnuplot with support for AquaTerm

    A: This is a question for the Fink users mailing list. Make sure that you can access the "unstable" branch of Fink.

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    Compile CVS version of AquaTerm

    Q: How do I get the bleeding-edge version of AquaTerm?

    A: You'll have to check out the current sources from CVS. From the terminal do:
    cvs login
    cvs -z3 co aquaterm
    Just hit the return key when asked for a password.
    This will give you a new folder named 'aquaterm' with all project files. Double click the file AquaTerm.pbproj to start Project Builder. Click the hammer at the top of the window and AquaTerm will be built. The app will be loacated in aquaterm/build/. Move it to your /Applications folder and you are set to go.
    Remember that the sources in CVS may contain severe bugs, non-working code etc. See aquaterm developer mailing list achives for status info.

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